提供澳洲簽證,移民資詢及協助其申請簽證服務 I assist people who wish to apply for a visa to trap or to remain in Australia on a temporary basis, as well as people seeking to migrate to Australia permanently.
A商業 / 顧問Astra Virtus

{Graphic & Advertising / V.I Design}平面廣告及品牌形象設計 {PR / Talent & Performance}宣傳公關營銷及人才表演管理{Web Design / Hosting and Domain}網頁設計及網絡寄存域名註冊 {Online Mangement & Marketing Promotions}線上媒體管理及網絡宣傳及營銷

低於7折的價錢 $800 租用婚紗,新娘晚裝 ,男禮 一套 , 唔駛Join package。自由度極大
A結婚 / 婚紗禮服Angel Yu

商務中心特惠價錢招募客人. 如客人需要合作夥伴,辦事處 或 場地 或 教育教學 @灣仔, 請即與本人聯絡. 歡迎代理垂詢. Whatsapp us at 93493491 if want to have office / venue @wanchai
V物業地產 / 商務中心Venue Rental

100% 香港製造 — 選用高品質原料,秉持良心,延承傳統造麵方法,不添加防腐劑及人工色素。
Y買賣及批發 / 飲食- 食品批發及零售Yau Hing Noodles & Foods Factory

快、簡、易: 會計、核數轉介連報稅
商業 / 會計及稅務禮商務顧問公司

做宣傳嚟講,最緊要係多⼈睇到!Adverywhere嘅百變流動宣傳⾞,可以 ⾏均港、九、新界,仲善⽤⾞內空間同⾞身設計,為你度身訂造最適合嘅 流動宣傳廣告!⽽家仲有聖誕早⿃優惠,快啲call我哋,幫你諗計仔迎接 ⼀連串嘅宣傳攻勢。
商業 / 市場策劃Adverywhere

人流極旺, 即頂即做 租金15800 頂手費 85000 電話 黃小姐 62011073
飲食 / 外賣速遞車仔麵小食

This was not only for the huge saving in weight and greater strength, but also a perfect solution to the age old problems that occurred with the use of wood.
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠 財利船廠有限公司

This was not only for the huge saving in weight and greater strength, but also a perfect solution to the age old problems that occurred with the use of wood.
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠 財利船廠有限公司

「獨家推介,中環罕有$5980」 簡單裝修; 全區最平; 先到先得 - 威靈頓街53,近蘭桂芳萃華 - 5分鍾中環MTR - 唐樓4F,酒店式靚樓梯 - 普通裝修 乾淨企理 即租即用! - 正街大窗,獨立廁所,電熱水爐 - 獨立水電錶,一年兩年合 約獨家推介.請即約睇.全區最平快者得.專人帶睇樓,全區最平,快快快!! 先到先得!《租客需支付8折佣金》 何先生 ☎ 663
物業地產 / 住宅出租何先生 NICK

PN type plunger 131153-5720 Element A736 AD Plunger for diesel engine car

無懼季節,一年365日榴不停 想靜雞雞買榴槤冇人知, 從此不再是難事 邊個話榴槤淨係得濕包同乾包, 又香又脆卜卜嘅榴槤你試過未?

We also aim to record the changes of fashion trend in order to enhance our understanding to the clothing and textile market, and the development of living culture in Hong Kong.
P美容 / 形象顧問Pixel Media HK Ltd.
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